IVF (In vitro fertilization) Canada aimed to build and design a state-of-the-art facility for men and women who are looking for assisted reproduction. As leaders in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), IVF Canada is a surgical facility that integrates the most advanced technologies and techniques available for the treatment of infertility in both men and women. Although the facility is situated in a high-rise, commercial building, we were able to meet the Canadian Ontario Out-of-Hospital Premise Level 3 standard, and the Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice by modifying the building envelope and mechanical system to provide sufficient fresh air, pressure and ventilation to the operation rooms.
Any visitor to IVF Canada are relieved of anxiousness as design elements, such as a health bar with a kid's corner and consultation rooms, evoke confidence and comfort. Underneath this blanket of care and sensitivity are a series of rooms that are designed to follow IVF protocol and CSA standards. Rooms such as the embryo transfer room, the IVF lab, collect room, andrology lab, all act as a continuum that caters and facilitates the process towards successful in vitro fertilization.
Realizing the vision of a state-of-the-art IVF facility is a complex task with many challenges. As the facility is housed in a high-rise building, the challenge is to ensure that rooms have different temperature zones with HEPA filters installed so that there is physical separation between them. Not only do these rooms have to meet the stringent requirements and standards, but they also must be designed to evoke a warm sense of space. We have and continue to achieve this through an integrated approach that considers both design and health standards during the process.